Before You Accuse Me of Mistakes on MY Blog
Take a look at your favorate liberals. A very Famous Liberal!!!!
Matt Drudge calls Barbara Streisand's bluff on her spellling.
Oh well nobody is perfect except leftys
Click here for the report from Drudge
Look how Drudge points out those mistakes
Don't Believe Drudge??? Here is that statement in the clear, even if she cleaned up her own words. Careful Barbs you don't want to show your true colors and beleive me we see what kind of Limo Lefty you really are.
A few years back Barbs went after Drudge for her spelling mistakes in a "Truth Alert" awhile back
If only we had less "People" like Barbara Streisand in the world.
"This Just In from NY Daily News"
Drudge spells it out for Barbra
Songstress Barbra Streisand spells her first name funny, and that's her prerogative. But right-leaning cybergossip Matt Drudge — who delights in tormenting Streisand for errors on her political blog, — believes the Democratic diva desperately needs spell-check. yesterday gloated: "Barbra Streisand has launched a new spelling error-ridden dispatch on the Internet — a dispatch that mocks President Bush for being a C student!"
Drudge reported that in an anti-Bush diatribe, "Streisand flubs 11 words, a personal record." Among the errors: "Irag," "curruption," "dictatoriship," "warrented" and, yes, "desperatly."
Yesterday, a couple of hours after Lowdown alerted the Streisand camp to Drudge's spelling feint, her online polemic was corrected. And Streisand's PR rep, Dick Guttman, sheepishly explained: "The errors … are regrettable and have resulted in a change in how the actress' own contributions to the blog will be posted." He blamed the mistakes on the company that operates Streisand's Web site: "The errors occurred in that entity's typing of the original dictated material. Henceforth, Ms. Streisand's office will post her essays directly."
Drudge quipped: "Ah, the perils of Internet journalism!"
Here is the link to the above but their are other stories in the body so that is why put this part in my blog
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