Monday, March 06, 2006

Could The Democrats Return to Power????

According to syndicated radio talk show host Neal Boortz, that is very likely. If that happens the Republicans might as well disband cause knowing the Dems they will do what they change including changing laws that will make they can never lose the securty blanket of power.

Both parties do what they can to do to win. The Dems however have gone to great wickeness to do so and that includes stealing elections. If the GOP does it in anyway; then its crime ala blocking the Florida recount so that Al Gore could win. These Dems are still upset about it, that Gore did not get the Oval Office. I wonder how they would react if Nixon won aganist JFK, and that was an election that the Dems stole successfuly.

This party more than even has very strong socialist leanings, and certain people from Michael Savage and Jay Severin have gone as far as calling them Communists even though both have issues with the Republicans.

Unwanted or Not this deal with Dubai Ports World is not making many Americans confortable. Rush Limbaugh can make a statement saying this is overblowen and very likley so. Funny how the Bill and Hillary disagree on this or so it seems. However this Port Deal is something that the Left can now run on now, and allthough Bush is far from perfect he is playing with fire. The mainmedia which covers for the Dems finally has a chance to help their friends in the Democrat party win.

Should the Dems get majorty power, you will see a this Kangaroo Court of Impeachment come into play and rightfuly so. I don't say this cause I hate Bush in spite of his flaws but because of not only the Dems losing the attempt to steal the 2000 election but also because of the impeachement of their man, their hero, William Jefferson Clinton. A man who do no wrong in eyes of the left. Lie about sexual relations with certain women, No Problem. He was a good Democrat, a Good Lefty and that is what matters.

The NEW Soviet Union is still a possible reality and I am talking about it happening HERE in the United States. All you need to do is allow the Democrats to return to power and let them enact their program.

Click here for Neal's thoughts on this


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