Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Why American Jews = Liberalism (A VERY Late Recommended Reading)

I should have put this in the Recommended Readings in my earlier post, but I try not to deal with Religion on my post unless I really have too.

However what Dennis Prager (who is a Jew) points out is quite revealing, and why they support such things as "World Government" and attack the "Right" and limited Government advocates like myself. The convictions of these "Jews" are also motovating them to 'social engineer' this country in the image they want us to be (ala Norman Lear's People for the 'Socialist' Way, and the ever famous ACLU).

I think some of their intentions are misguided big time, as you will see. I am far from being Anti-Semantic. I am just Anti-Socialist all the way, and hiding behind your Jewish Heritage is not going to stop me from calling your bluff when your attacking the Constitution, and the concepts of Liberty, Freedom and Individualism.

Click here to read Prager's MUST READ piece

Bonus: Jack Kemp has an important piece for Jews living in the Holy Land


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