Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Recommended Readings

Dealing with the Mexicans, Islam Terrorists (and CAIR), Taxachusetts, and Gas Prices. If Neal Boortz does not do it. Who Will??? Please don't mechion the Godfather cause if you did you would have to pay for his transcripts/notes. I would be linking them if you did have to pay him for it. I do respect the fact that Rush wants to make money with his website.

OK you dimwits 'American Karaoke' is on tonight. Boortz also mechions how most people find that more important than the above things.

Their are 12 Million illegals here in the states and nobody is not taking action. The Anti-Feminist (Phyllis Schlafly) says we are going to pay a hefty price for siting with our fingers up you know were??? On the other hand she has some good Ideals of her own

Mary McCarthy is a traitor pure and simple or so says Cal Thomas. Now if we can do something about the Clintons, Kerry, and Kennedy. Those people are the symptom.

Speaking of The Kerry. He is the topic of Today's piece by David Limbaugh, and also talks about his words on This Week.

So that you know The Kerry will turn to Darth Fargo, hopfuly today (for HIS Sake, not mine) and clear the air. We all know that the Democrat Party will put this country back on track. Just give these people the majorty at all levels of Government.

High Gas = Hot Air. Bill Murchison takes on this kind of logic. It is time to encorage DRILLING!!! NOT POPULISM DARNIT!!!

Are GOP leaders sounding like Nancy Pelosi??? The Wall Street Journal says Yes!!! Wait until she becomes House Speaker.


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