Saturday, May 06, 2006

Darth Fargo (Ed Schultz) Brags About His Ratings and Demands Fairness

Well I just got my copy of Talkers Magazine and once again I see the bragging rights ads for the Socialist Talkers that Jones Radio Networks syndicates. Well not for Stephanie Miller this time around but for the 'Great Liberal Hope' aka Darth Fargo who is known by the talk radio world as Ed Schultz.

OK so you your the top dog in Seattle, WA and you claim you have beaten heritage News/Talker KIRO-AM.

You get 5 shares in the Madison and Syracuse markets (i.e. Liberal Cities). 4 shares in Albuquerque and San Diego. Again liberal cities but for the record San Diego is a battle of wills.

So you do fine and once Air America goes to the radio grave yard, you and Miller and even Lionel (based out of New York) still have a chance of keeping the Socialist Talk format alive, and believe me I want to see Socialist Talk Radio as part of the radio choices for years to come. It disgusts me when liberals call themselves 'Progressive.' Mike Rosen of KOA in Denver says it best when 'Progressive' means "progress on the road to socialism;" and Darth Fargo is no exception.

So you’re a radio broadcaster. Fine if Alan Berg was still alive he might have had a chance at going national along with Rush Limbaugh. We need people like Schultz to prove that leftys can do talk radio, and yes they can. They just want special treatment.

What Darth Fargo said on his show yesterday should make your blood boil unless your one of those Hippie Radio Jocks who thinks FM radio belongs to THEM!!! Darth Fargo who is an advocate for the Democrat Party and sees no problem with Hillary Clinton going down in history as our first Woman President. Schultz however tells her that he will not lend his support to her unless she makes a promise to look into the media ownership rules and support the return of the 'Fairness Doctrine.'

You see poor ole Schultz is upset with a few setbacks with a few radio stations that dropped the Socialist Talk format regardless of a format change and/or a change of ownership. Darth Fargo was even heard for a time on News/Talk powerhouse KSL in Salt Lake City. Yea that station owned by the Mormon Church. But loyal listeners to KSL were disgusted with Darth Fargo and pitched a fit. KSL removed the show and Lars Larson (a righty from liberal Portland, OR) took his place, and Schultz is crying like a baby because a few people in the 'public' told KSL that they hated his show, and his passion for mocking Republicans and telling them that the Democrats are the real good guys/gals (can’t forget women like Barbara Boxer and did I mention Hillary?) or so he says.

You Democrats love to talk about the 'public' owning the airwaves. Well the public spoke in Salt Lake City and Darth Fargo's Democrat Propaganda is no longer heard their. Can't you respect that??? Once again it shows the hypocrisy of the left.

Free Speech for ME Lefty, No Free Speech For YOU Righty.

That sounds about right to me.

Darth Fargo is also bitter towards the Program Director of WABC because he said that shows like his had no chance in hell in making it in talk radio. Let’s face it Schultz; radio is a dog eat dog business. You might have what it takes to make it in radio but that does not give you right to be cleared on whatever radio station you want to be on or in markets in which a majority of people will likely tune you out. Oh and WABC is still doing well in the ratings.

Make no mistake Darth Fargo and Socialist Talk are far from failures. There are many talk formats that have done well not in the ratings but in getting niches and the money talks big time. That includes Sports Talk (Jim Rome, Dan Patrick, JT The Brick), Hot Talk (Mancow, Don Imus, Bob & Tom, Don & Mike, Tom Leykis, Opie & Anthony) which have been around for years. So if these kinds of Talk Radio can make it, so can Socialist Talk.

Ed Schultz's fit yesterday is yet another reason why we can't have the Democrats retain control of our Government. Darth Fargo thinks he has a right to be heard in every market in the country, and that radio stations have an obligation to clear his show. No Schultz and more likely than not once a Fairness Doctrine is made into law once more, radio stations will move away from political talk. Not only will you Crush Rush, but you too Darth Fargo. Oh yea maybe you will...oh no I am not going to give you any leftys idEERs. Also Cable and internet will also be fair game to these utopians. They will censor anyone that is not on lock step with them or at least try.

Like Him or Hate Him, when Rush Limbaugh signed on nationally in 1988, he was embraced by America because he truly was a voice for those who supported Reagan and his vision for America. You had a media that still wished that Jimmy Carter had a second term. Unlike Schultz, Rush did not need a lot of rich Republicans to get his show started. All that Limbaugh needed was just one man who used to work for ABC Radio, who wanted to start his own radio syndication company. That man did and Rush would eventually be cleared on over 600 radio stations nationwide.

Darth Fargo, however needed seed money from Limo Democrats. They (the Limo Dems) formed a little Non-Profit group in order to get radio talk show hosts that were dedicated to the causes of the Democrat Party. They got two of them. Schultz and Stephanie Miller; both of whom have been radio broadcasters for sometime. With the help from Jones Radio Networks Schultz and Stephanie Miller were pitched to radio stations nationwide, and the rest is history.

Speaking of getting seed money from Democrats, Schultz also called upon the Limo Leftys such as George Soros, and Hollywood at large to invest in radio stations so they could sign on Socialist Talk stations across the country when the big guys fail to do so. Well without Clear Channel, Entercom, and CBS Radio; Socialist Talk would have died years ago and Air America would have been a drop in the water. But then again Limo Leftys have kept the Mother of Socialist Magazines “The Nation” (no its not 'Mother Jones' people in spite of the title, but it might come close) alive and well.

It was small radio owners that dropped your show, and I thought liberals loved those kinds of people. Only when it best suits Them.

I hope you see that Ed Schultz is one of those people who want to keep you and your children trapped in the ‘Democrat’s Matrix.’ Just like those machines in the movie your just a bunch of ‘batteries’ to them. I shall talk more about this Matrix of sorts in a future post...If I ever Get to it.

P.S. I am not a kiss @$$ Republican but as long as the Dems keep moving to the left, I can't vote for the Democrats at all.

No Need to pay a visit to Darth Fargo's website. Click Here for his Rant and Brag Speech.

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