Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wednesday Readings

If you live in Atlanta please attend the Fair Tax Rally, Boston College adjunct professor named Steve Almond, Ditzy Twits, Amnsty Bill. Hereeeeeeeeeees Neal (Boortz).

Brent Bozell also has something to say about the Ditzy Twits and how the media at large is covering it. Natalie and her unrelated sisters got the audience they truly and really wanted.

John Sheperson is truly a hero but his reward is time in Jail. It appears you can't make money when it comes to helping others. You must get not one penny. John Stossel talks about this.

Not another anti-soldier? Michelle Malkin however debunks his creditincals.

"Click it Ticket." You very likley heard of this, and Walter Williams takes on this Nannyist Campigan.

The author of "Unfit for Command" says the Dems could win this year according to interview he did with KHOW-AM's Peter Boyles. Ben Shapiro says why the Dems WILL NOT win BIG this year.


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