Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday Readings

A have alot now that I am back in CS.

Their is a difference between 'giving back' and 'giving' PERIOD!!! Neal Boortz explains in his piece for

Thursday's Nuze from Neal Boortz

Some of Hugh Hewitt's friends are journalists.

Did Campaign finance reform stop Corruptution??? George Will says that Campaign Finance Reform IS Corruption.

Ann Coulter takes the Gray Lady to task for their Treason.

Year by Year our Congress become more and more powerful. Herman Cain says that is what our founders dispised.

91 Years Old and Indy till he dies. A Piece by Larry Elder.

All of the above was REALLY yesterday now here is THE Friday Readings.

Friday's Nuze from Neal Boortz

Mona Charen talks about the Voting Rights Act being up for renewal and shows it had NOTHING to do with the right of minorites but certain amounts of tape.

UN Gun Grab Meeting (I said I would link those)

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

"McCarthy Era." Liberals sure love to bring that up and recently Howard Dean talked about it. David Limbaugh reminds you that hate Bush with a passion.

Oliver North shows how dangerous of the actions taken by the Gray Lady.

Pat Buchanan shows that Bush has done nothing in challaning the Gray Lady.

If Bush does nothing maybe Melanie Morgan. She is calling for a LARGE Prison Cell for those in paper who dared LEAK the stuff.

When Terrorists Win, America Loses. Hal Lindsey has his thoughts on what the Gray Lady did, PLUS Yesterday's Supreme Court desision.

Ronald Cass also has his thoughts on the Court desision.

Charles Krauthammer says the Iraqi government has proposed amnesty for the insurgency. Not going to work.

Jonah Goldberg shows us the changes in both poltical parties and how they are both 'progressive.'

The Swift Boat Veterans evetually helped the left coin a new term. Mike Rosen introduces us to the term now used by the leftys to try to shut us up when we give after Cindy Sunshine, The Kerry and Turncoat Murtha. However it will not be limited to those three.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador could be the next President of Mexico. The Marxist Revoultion continues in Latin America and this time they are taking over without blood shead. David Pyne talks about the dangers of Obrador and how he is close to Hugh Chavez who is Casto's Min-Me. By the way Obrador will use the Mexican Invasion to his advanage in DISTORYING US!!!

Mark Engler is the token lefty piece for a counterpoint to David Pyne.

One more Token Lefty. Its audio bite Going back to Yesterday's Court Desision Darth Fargo says that is a victory for "democracy" and a blow to Bush's attempt to move us towards a "dictatorship."


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