Wednesday Readings
NOTE: This time I am going out of town. Thursday Readings late or not at all.
Today Comments from Neal Boortz
Believe it or not FDR thought about trying a publisher of a major newspaper for disclosing secrets during war time. Jack Kelly says that Bush should welcome a fight with the media. I tend to agree. They will stop at nothing to distory him at all costs includeing the distruction of our Country.
Al Gore says Bush broke the law and the GOP congress is not holding him accountable. Warning people...Liberals LOVE to use euphuisms, and Gore is no expection.
Ralph Peters says the Dems and their alies in the media have allready declared the the Marines involved in the Haditha incident GUILTY!!! Hey as long as the Dems get that Security Blanket of Power Back and then hobnob with the Authortarians of the world, that is what really matters.
George Bush should read the farewell speech of General Douglas MacArthur. The one calling him to do that is Tony Blankley.
According to a survey of 34 countries, America is the most patriotic. Beware!!! Venezuela is second and that should make Castro's Minie-Me very Happy.
The Dragon Lady really goes lays it on the New York Times.
Howard Dean says raising the wage will NOT hurt jobs. Even if it does the real winners are Dean, Kennedy, Democrats and The Borg (Unions).
The above article menions Jim Wallis and his group Sojourners. Their are things you should know about this and has done a great job at informing people about the left.
Profile on Jim Wallis
Profile on Sojourners
If you go to Hooters do you want to see Male Waiters??? NO!!! you their to see the women with the short shorts and then some Here is a piece about a Hooters flap from the Real World Mallard Filmore.
A MUST READ from Jonathan Alter about the demise of multiculturalism. Lets hope so, cause it is not helping when it comes to the War on Terror.
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