Sunday Readings
Awwww! Two Democrats want to ban Ann Coulter cause she dared to go after their beloved "Girls."
Many other Dems want her to recant. Don't Ann its only a sign of weakness and shows that the left can intimdate those who truly expose them for what they are. Those Jersey Girls should never be given an exemption especially if they trying to get Democrats elected.
Click here for Ben Shaprio's review on Coulter's new book. He has lots to say about it include those Jersey Girls who got an exemption from the "Board Room" of public opinion. In this Coulter call their bluff and even if they don't get sent to the street she will make sure that people see them for what they are.
Fidel Castro and Cindy 'Sunshine' Sheehan are not to happy about Zarqawi's Death. Could it be that they might fail in making it another Vietnam??? Click the respected names to get two different stories.
Peter Cuthbertson talks about Europe's latest attack on America.
George Will talks about Al Gore and the possible End of the World unless we let the Socialists run this country.
John Leo has a great piece on what liberals claim happens (assertions) do not really happen.
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