Tuesday Readings
John Kerry pushes a bill that outlines a "Withdraw" from Iraq. David Limbaugh says he just wants attention.
Dennis Prager talks about the twisted mind of Michael Berg and how the "Greens" were at one time "REDS!" You know Commies???
Random Thoughts from Thomas Sowell.
Pat Buchanan is not buying Mike Pence's Immirgration Bill
Two Pieces Regarding Leftist Blog "Daily Kos"
Bryon York
Jeff Emanuel
Two Stories Regarding Ann Coulter
One from Newsmax
One from World Net Daily
Bill Clinton says the GOP is causing hurricanes. Remember friends ONLY Socialism can save us. Now tell me who thinks your stupid??? The Left or the Right??? Ed Schultz aka Darth Fargo STOLE the "Stupid" line from Laura Ingraham. But hey Dems are very good at Theft.
Deb Saunders says it best about "Global Warming." It has become a Religion.
Demand for Oil is Down, and that means Gas Prices are down. Since the mainline media does not watch to know about this, I have left the link.
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz. Sorry Leftys, Karl Rove is not going to have BOOK Thrown at him. Another setback for the left to get their Securty Blanket of power and Stick it to Bush. Don't worry you might still get Congress this year.
Rye Rye Rizelico
For For Forcelico
1:07 AM
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