Friday Readings
Robert Novak's Leak Case Testionmy
Kathleen Parker is scoping Katie Cookie Cutter's career as she makes the rounds to CBS affliated stations in hopes of the Numbers. Hey Cookie Cutter why don't you visit some smaller cities for once especially Red Ones. Dallas-Fort Worth does not count, and besides we don't buy your act anyway. Be gald that Parker is giving you a fair shot...cause I AM NOT!!!
Herman Cain says we must learn the lessons that Europe failed to learn when it comes to this thing called multiculturalism. It is killing Europe and its going to kill us in America.
What's liberals' big idea? Jonah Goldberg says Who cares?
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz and his Crack Staff
The U.S. Senate has let us down again. Nothing is being done about the Mexican Invasion
Diana West connects the dots on Islam.
Charles Krauthammer talks about the war currently going on between Israel and Lebanon. As always Israel's existence is on the line.
Mona Charen is waiting for the enlightment in Europe and at the UN to denounce Israel.
A small city in Pennsylvania has banned the Mexican Invaders. At least something is being done at the local levels.
What does the Geneva Convention REALLY SAY???? Craig R. Smith reveals that the document allows the Death Penalty for Terrorists. What about that you bleeding heart leftys???
Has Bush lost the Cowboy within him??? Melanie Morgan wants him to bring that element back and not bow to the Anti-WarBlameAmericaLeftys.
Kevin McCullough says that Joe Wilson and his beloved wife Valerie Plame need to be treated like Gants...and I say they should be treated as as Democrat HACKS!!!
Joseph Farah denouces the Government's action of taking away a family's farm that has been around since the 1920's. Just remember that the local government will do anything to get themselves MORE MONEY for themselves.
Here is a Classic Piece from David Limbaugh regarding the 'dangers' of Dodgeball...Pleeese. The "Crab People" are moving ahead and feminzing men, and Limbaugh takes this on big time.
Speaking of feminzing men here is a piece from Ilan Mercer about that subject.
Carol Gilligan who is mechioned the Mercer piece is today's token lefty.
Why are Feminists so aganist Single Sex Education??? Carrie Lukas explains.
Mike Rosen has his thoughts on American Past time sport called Baseball.
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