Wednesday Readings (Updated)
*N-Sync memeber comes out of the closet. BIG DEAL!!!
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz
If Israel truly does not have a right to exist what about the United States??? Michael Medved talks about it.
The Real World Mallard Fillmore talks about those who continue to smear choice and competition when it comes to Elementary and Secondary Education, and puts that Dept. of Education survey (and the Gray Lady) in its place. You know that one that Government Schools do better than Private Schools
When the Peace Movement gets Violent. Michelle Malkin shows their true colors.
Look at what Castro's Mini-Me is up to.
Walter Williams talks about the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act and why he calls such a proposal 'truly disgusting.'
Ben Shapiro takes on Jews that use their heritage in Identity Politics and dares to say that they are NOT JEWISH and deserve No Exemption from crticism. I should tell you right now that Shapiro pratices the Jewish Faith. The Norman Lear's, Norm Chomsky's of the world watch out cause your days of wrecking this country and Israel are over.
Donald Lambro says the Dems are facing an UnCivil War.
Would it be nice to Test the Teachers for once. Linda Chavez talks about the possiblilty of doing just that.
Joe Lieberman may support the war on terror, but that does not make him a Conservative. William F. Buckley points out the record Lieberman has.
Is Israel responce to Hezbollah disproprate??? Bill Bennett goes after those who would answer YES to that question. Plus facts you will never hear from the Media or ID Jews who have turned on their own people. Read Ben Shapiro's piece several links above this one to find out about ID Jews and their hatered towards Israel.
We have more phoney reform when it comes to the Mexican Invaders. Thomas Sowell lays it on the table.
An International Force on Lebanon but nobody wants to come in. Tony Blankley explains.
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