Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday Readings

Today's Comments from Neal Boortz

Bernard Goldberg is not putting Ann Coulter on his good list. Love ya, Bernard but don't you think that those 9/11 Widows are screwing up America even more??? I do and I stand by Ann Coulter regarding them. They don't deserve an exemption. Oh yea you should put Bob Enyart in your book as well.

Jack Kelly says that Israel will not drop the Hammer on their ememies. They should no matter what anybody else says and does.

This is the transcript of what Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said recently to his Government. They call their Goverment a Knesset or parliament.

Hard to Solve but VERY Easy to Explain. Dennis Prager has his take on the Israel/Muslim-Arab conflict.

If you read the Gray Lady guess who is at fault for the current confilict Israel is dealing with??? George W. Bush. Here is David Limbaugh to remind us how the left lost its marbles.

Israel is on the right side of the confilct and did not start the "fire" at all. Will the Mainline Media tell you that??? NO!!!! Thomas Sowell takes on the cycle of Nonsence.

Message to the GOP leaders: Deal with the Illegals or else. The messagner is Jack Kemp.

While Condi Rice says that the Israel confilct has nothing to do with Iraq George Will is still cricial about the Iraq war


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