Friday Readings
Recently the Colorado State Government had a special session regarding the Mexican Invasion. Mike Rosen talks about it and how some state Judges took away the people's right to vote on this, and where the GOP and Dems stand on the issue of the Mexican Invaders.
The Current war between Israel and Hezbollah shows how the high the price of appeasement is. Hal Lindsey explains and traces this policy of appeasement goes back to 1993 and the Land for Peace deal with the Palestinians.
Joseph Farah takes both Patrick Buchanan and Kofi Annan to the wood shed for their stance regarding Israel and Hezbollah.
Kevin McCullogh calls out Barack Obama for telling everyone that Bush would not renew the Voting Rights Act, and reminds us that it was the DEMOCRATS who opposed equal rights for Blacks a long time ago.
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz
In this NOW Open letter, Melanie Morgan tells Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert it is time to take on directly Iran and Syria.
The dissagrements between the GOP and Bush are not as big as you think. David Limbaugh debunks much of the Liberal Media's properganda.
Does a government have a right to defend itself??? Oliver North wonders why ANYONE would ask such a question. Yes its another PRO Israel piece, and yes I do support Israel.
Want Peace???? Don't join the "Peace Movement." Thomas Sowell says such movements usher in war.
Kate Cookie Cutter says she is not going to the middle east anytime soon. At least she knows that her children come first.
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