Friday, November 19, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

U.S., Iraqi Troops Storm Baghdad Mosque

Bush to Take Security Plan to Asia Meeting

Sudan, Rebels Agree to End Civil War

Secret Iranian nuke site under civilian homes

Report: Scientist gave Iran nuke material

Tehran nukes targeted in 1st U.S. protest

Black slaves freed from Arab masters

Bin Laden unable to run operations

Saddam loyalists hire Arabs to fight U.S.

Greenspan Warns About Trade Deficit Impact

Washington Post drops 'stridently liberal' cartoonist

Liberal cartoonists accused of racism. What is OK if their going after people like Condi Rice

Radio host dismisses Rice as 'Aunt Jemima.' Man how I much want lefty talk radio to work.

North Korea hope for enviro activists?

Fewer same-sex couples seek marriage licenses in Massachusetts


Neal Boortz talks about how the left is trashing Condi Rice and how race is a double standard for Republicans.

Lets hear from the other side about Rice. Here comes Bill Press

No surprise that the media is rooting for "them" in the war on terror. Michael Reagan has that and other things the media is mute on.

While Wal-Mart does wrong by convincing city governments to take personal property from people on the flip side I get sick of the lefty attacking it because they don't its workers to form a UNION. Remember the company does not pay for the benefits in a Union shop...the consumer does. Bruce Bartlett now talks about a hit piece on Wal-Mart that was shown on the PBS's news program Frontline.

It is so sad how the left plays dead when it comes to our global rivals. Thomas Sowell talks about something along those lines

Jeff Jacoby shows how the left hated John Ashcroft and how we level headed Americans should be thankful of his service as attorney general.

A MUST READ from Mona Charen about the death of Theo van Gogh and how our media still doesn't get it.

Mike Rosen take to task high school teachers in Boulder, Colorado and their attempts to use their students to forward their socialist causes.


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