Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

Iran, Syria Said Backed Terrorists in Iraq

Two Armed Men Hijack Bus Outside Athens

Navy Documents Detail Iraqi Abuse Claims

U.S. Muslim event hails Ayatollah Khomeini. You know the one who took over Iran in 1979, thanks to our communist sympathizing president at the time Jimmy Carter.

World Net Daily shuts down several Hamas websites

Kojo Anna says the probe on him is a 'witchhunt'

U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos says their will be some housecleaning at the UN

Halfbright says we should not judge U.S. by Bush's action

More Border Patrol, but no money

AIDS Research Chief Rewrote Safety Report

A formor member of Greenpeace says to 'Ignore Global Warming'

Rapid Arctic ice melt refuted

A Lancaster, PA city councilman wants a pic of Bush taken down. Says it offends the Democrats

Danish Kids Drunkest in Europe, Turks Most Sober

Alabama Judge Wears Ten Commandments on Robe

Cuba Warns U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Take Down Christmas Decorations or Face Consequences, American Diplomat Says.

Holiday Tree removed from a courthouse

Christmas Day deadliest of the year???

French Religious Symbols Ban Cuts Two Ways


Walter Williams continues to talk about higher education and its decline

Kathleen Parker talks about the American Sprit in Iraq. Gives a tip to us bloggers and those who visit us.

Jonah Goldberg recalls an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in which Captain Picard (played by Patrick Stewart) talked about European Hegemony in the 21st Century. Goldberg talks about that and how it could happen but not the way Star Trek protrays it...One Word ISLAM!!!

Terence Jeffrey says NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe would rather make more money for his kids education (higher learning) than promote socialism in outer space.

Brent Bozell says Donald Rumsfeld got pranked last week. Regardless were you stand on the issues regarding our troops the fact is our media pulled the strings and like most lefty's they HATE THE MILLTARY!!! Bozell has some other things to say so this piece is a MUST READ!!!

Stephen Moore warns of FCC re-regulation and how that could threaten advancment if Mass Com tech.

Thomas Sowell has his say on the Scott Peterson case and ask if its Law or Soap Opera.

Lefty Robert Scheer talks about Bernard Kerik and how Bush making him the choice to head Homeland Securty is 'crony capitalism at work'

Holiday Lyric Line

It's that time of year
When the world falls in love
Every song you hear Seems to say Merry Christmas
May your New Year dreams come true
The Christmas Waltz written by Sammy Cahn & Jule Styne. Best known recordings by Frank Sinatra, The Carpenters, and Johnny Mathis.

...and this blog of mine in three quarter time (uh!?)
wishes you and yours the same thing too.

Commentary links and newslink not on this blog??? Shoot those links by E-mail


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