Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Today's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

OK I am late on this but hey better late than ever

A MUST READ from Walter Williams regarding our country is, and why we would be better off NOT as a democracy but as a republic

Linda Chavez warns the Dems they are playing with fire if they stonewall Alberto Gonzales

John Podhoretz says our troops support their mission and they plan on winning the war

David Johnson talks about a new tatic for the Dems. If you can win it STEAL IT!!!!! This is a MUST READ!!!! Cause the Dems will be cheating more and more in years to come. I told you they act like Linus and they want their security blanket back.

Speaking of cheating and lies here is a press release from Democracy Radio claiming that their man Ed Schultz is breaking records and beating Rush Limbaugh in certain things. Be sure to read my piece on this after these reading links

Newsmax reports that Limbaugh has countered the statement made from Democracy Radio

Newsmax also has a great piece in which our beloved right wing babe Ann Coulter has some things to say regarding the coming year.

Token Lefty Piece comes from Robert W. McChesney who wants media reform. His answers, don't deregulate, and more funding (at taxpayers expense) of public broadcasting and non-com media.

Got a piece you want to see highlighted on my blog??? Drop me a line and your direct link to that piece.


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