Today's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Their from yesterday but any way
Michelle Malkin reveals why government payoffto Armstrong Williams hurts conservative pundits
While many on the right wants Dan Rather head on the chopping block Joseph Farah say keep Keep Rather forever! praises news anchor for amazing accomplishment
Evan Gahr on People For the American Way lionizing Noam Chomsky
David Limbaugh notes Donkey Party at a crossroads, extremists remain in denial
Daniel Pipes: Does he accept Israel's existence or want to destroy it?
Yin and Yangby Linda Chavez Good Read people
Keith Lockitch say to reject Environmentalism, Not DDT and how banning DDT does more harm to people than not. In fact certain enviros love the fact that certain people are being harmed
Ted Kennedy's speech from yesterday is the token lefty piece this time around. Sounds like more of the same far left crap. Hey look who funds the party.
Another lefty piece: Leslie Liddell compares Bush to Joseph McCarthy. Sounds like one of those cvill libertries defender types. Yea do nothing and you never know when they kill people.
If their is a piece you want to see on the blog. Sent your links via E-Mail. Always taking in lefty pieces
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