Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Boortz on Hillary and Election Reform Plus Social Security

Before you support what she has to offer you may want to read what Neal Boortz has to say. He also offers something better.

More proof last week that Hillary is running for President. Last week The Hildabeast decided to devote her efforts to getting more people to the polls in 2008. She wants a federal law allowing all convicted felons who have served their time to be able to vote in federal elections, and she wants to make election day a federal holiday.

If you think about both of these elements you will see that they are designed to do one thing ... send more democratic voters to the polls on election day. Surveys consistently show that people who are in prison and people who have been in prison are more likely than not to vote Democratic. Hillary's move there is fairly transparent. But what about making election day a federal holiday? You might have to devote about eight seconds of additional thought to this one. Just who gets off work on a federal holiday? Do you? Probably not. Government workers get the day off on federal holidays. Now it's more clear, isn't it? Government workers vote Democratic; maybe not in the percentages you see with black voters and school teachers, but the percentage is overwhelming nonetheless. So ... get a law passed that says that government workers don't have to be bothered by actually working on election day, and it leaves so much more time for them to go to the polls to inflict their damage on the concept of limited government. Who, after all, ever heard of a government worker favoring limited government?

Once again, I have a better idea to get people to the polls. All people --- not just crooks and government workers. Just have the polls open for 24 hours on election day! Every polling place in the country opens at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time on Monday night and remains open for 24 hours. That means that no matter the work schedule, whether you work first, second or third shift -- days or nights -- everyone has the remainder of the day to get out there and vote. Every poll in the country would close at exactly the same time. This would mean that television networks wouldn't be able to tilt the vote one way or the other with reports of early returns.

Now on to Social Security

Yup .. I'm holding it in one hand right now while I type with the other! This statement shows me how much I've paid into Social Security and Medicare, and how much I will get when I retire. It also contains this fiction that my employer has been "matching" my Social Security taxes.

Here, though, is what I want to bring to your attention --- especially if you are one of those people who thinks that your Social Security benefits are guaranteed. There's an asterisk. At the bottom of page two you'll see this paragraph:

"Your estimated benefits are based on current law. Congress has made changes to the law in the past and can do so at any time. The law governing benefit amounts may change because, by 2042, the payroll taxes collected will be enough to pay only about 73% of the scheduled benefits."

Wait a minute! Congress can change my benefits at any time? I thought that my benefits were guaranteed! Isn't that what Democrats have been telling us? Haven't they been telling us that Republicans want to remove our "guaranteed" benefits in favor of a "risky" investment scheme?

Golly! You don't think they might have been stretching the truth, do you?

Well better late than ever.


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