Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
I TOLD YOU THAT THE DEMS ARE PUSHING FOR A FAIRNESS DOCTRINE!!!! LOUISE THE RIPPER IS PART OF THE KABALL!!! When they want to hush Rush, Boortz, Savage, and the like you bet I get angry and I yell. Hopefuly the same thing will happen to Franken, Schultz, Hartman, Miller, and Lionel.
He would quallfy as a token lefty piece, but as a libertarian I side with lefty US Rep. Bernie Sanders regarding the so-called Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act. So he does not count this time around
CBS News is giving Dan Rather a going away party...sort off. They still think he is the Cat's Meow. Their must be a place in Hell for him and Uncle Walt.
Retuters take on Rather
Michael Crichton has long piece and says that E.T's are distorying our enviroment??? Its a long read if you dare.
Is the Class-Warefare Trump Card finally being put aside by the Dems? Larry Kudlow says they should.
Helle Dale talks about realtions between U.S. and Europe. They might want to get along with China screws up.
Ross Mackenzie has some quotes from well known leftys in the news media.
Alan Reynolds takes on the AARP for promoting Social Securty myths
Emmett Tyrrell also talk about Social Securty...and Bill Clinton
Maybe we should Call Churchill Crazy Horse...maybe a better name would be Crazy. Ann Coulter takes a swing at the Phony Indian.
Richard Brookhiser also gets a shot at Chruchill and says that their are checks and balances in higher learning.
Joseph Farah compares Churchill to Lt. Ilario Pantano. The later of which could be sentenced to death.
Marvin Olasky talks about tried and true immigrants
The welfare states LIVES!!! Larry Elder talks about it.
Neal Boortz tells about government hand outs to the farms...Something that Ed Schultz likes
Peggy Noonan has a piece called "The Blogs Must be Crazy." Hey we are not dumping Coke Bottles and "Magic Stuff" unless you want to call computers such things. The MSM just don't have a gripe anymore.
Margaret Krome wish for more people like Jim Jeffords. Who is Jeffords??? You have to find out as Krome is the tokey lefty tonight.
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