Thursday, February 17, 2005

NHL & Unions

If you’re a fan of Pro Hockey, your probably going into withdraw, and College Hockey is the only way to get your fill.

For me and leveled headed thinking people, you ask yourself why we need Unions for professional athletics. After all its millionaires vs. billionaires, and we see how their strikes cost games, and even whole seasons.

The biggest losers in any of these strikes are the fans. Even if they athletics get what they want, it will be the fans who want to see their favorite teams. The admission costs will go up to prices that the working stiff can not afford, and you will see empty seats in these buildings were the sport teams play.

Now lets get down to the AFL-CIO type of unions. In Colorado their is still a possibility of a grocery strike and United Food and Commercial Workers union head are telling the workers to reject certain deals. It has been reported that Albertsons may close ALL of its stores in Colorado because of THEIR bottom line.

Leftys hate Wal-Mart because of their stance against unions here in America. In Canada a Wal-Mart store finally got unionized but it appears that the union made too many demands, and because of this Wal-Mart store is closing down in the spring. Why can Wal-Mart promice low prices. The answers are quite clear. It does not cave into Union demands. Don't like Wal-Mart? Go somewhere else, and be willing to pay more in the name of helping the "working folk" of America.

It has to be repeated time and again, that it is about supply and demand. In the case of the unions their demands are costly and must be passed on to somebody. The company does not pay for their demands. It is the customers that pay for the demands.

Unions are also famous for supporting the collective rather than the individual, but I shall save that for another post.

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