Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

A got a lot tonight

Mortimer B. Zuckerman of U.S. News & World Report says that someone needs to crack down on Hugo Chavez...The NEW Castro

Soros, Buffett Believe in Cable

America ruled by 'Men in Black' this story by World Net Daily about a book by Mark Levin that talks about our activist courts

The Godfather of Talk Radio had Mark Levin on his show today and offers a sales pitch (I doubt he is making money off of this) for Levin's book. He also wrote the forward.

Family of slain Christians speaks out. This was the family in New Jersey that the Old Media sweeped under the rug. I guess the media still cover for the extreme followers of Islam.

Pols Want to Ban Political Bias at Colleges,2933,147814,00.html

The Churchill saga goes on,1299,DRMN_15_3551573,00.html

This should make all the clean media air pruds/Christian & Jewish Right/Pro-Family (so-called) crowd in America happy. Indecency Fines
may go up from $32,500 to $500,000 for a company and $11,000 to $500,000 for a single person. Just don't tell me that this is helping taking back this country for God and Jesus.

Man when will those in Bush Gate at CBS News will remove themselves...Wished Dan Rather was put in his place along with them...Oh Well

Rich Lowry has some questions for the AARP and the Giveme generation

Blogs, Blogs, Blogs and we continue to make our charge...Brent Bozell talks about it, and why leftys like David Brock don't mind if lefty commentators like Helen Thomas and Ellen Ratner get pass when it comes to the Press Meetings Bush has

Kathleen Parker warns that in an age of Blogs, VIP's and the like better be careful of what they say. Their may be a blogger somewhere.

However certain leftys have done a good job of taking certain righty blogers and "reporters" out. Cliff Kincaid explains why the Old Media and leftys in general is doing what they can to protect their ground, even its mean being ruthless.

Michelle Malkin holds the UN to the fire when it comes to them getting sexual access to innocent people.

What is the sucker punch tax??? Terence Jeffrey tells all

Jonah Goldberg talks about the "bike patch" left

Even though the media and Dems don't like the "Draconian cuts in the budget" Tony Blankely says that the cuts don't go deep enough

Amir Taheri says the Arabs tyants are running scared.,,1072-1484686,00.html

CEO's of corporations cave in to Anti-Free Marketers day in and day out. Walter Williams says their will never be peace for these people.

Daniel Pipes says the hatred towards the Jews is evolving and cites four keys things since WWII

Floyd McKay says that Bush is distorying FDR's legacy and raging "class warefare." Yep its my token lefty piece.

Bonus Lefty Piece: Stephen Byers says Kyoto is not enough. By the way Kyoto goes into effect today. Thank goodness we are not a part of it, allthough Byers would disagree.

Why is Koyto is bad...I am going back to right and have Neal Boortz tell you. Rarely do I have a righty piece after leftys. I usally end with a token lefty piece...NOT THIS TIME SUCKA!!!

It is alot and who knows what I overlooked...E-Mail your links to pieces that you think should be on the blog.


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