Reelworld updates its Website
Reelworld Productions based out of Seattle, WA has finally updated its website. This company has been in business for ten years now, and has been a God send to radio programers who want radio station ID jingles that sound with the times.
Their have been jingle packages that mirrored the sound of the current music in times past.
That list included such packages as JAM Creative's "Music Now" for BBC Radio One back in the mid 1980's and TM Century's Killer B, and Kiss This in the early 1990's. However these packages were the execption to the rule and most jingle packages lean towards the styles and rules laid out from the 1950's and 60's. The ideal is for the jingles to be different from the regular program so that the station can get the attention of the listener and be able to deliver the name and/or call letters of the radio station through music. However during the 1990's, certain radio programs were moving away from jingle imaging due to the lack of ability to evolve with the times. Enter Erik Huber and his vision on what station ID's should sound like.
Huber laid the groundwork for his brand of jingles while working for Hertiage Singers founder Max Mace. During this time Huber was able to use the Hertiage Singers to create radio station ID's, mostly for Christian radio stations. However Huber and Mace parted ways due to a conflict of intrest. While Mace continued to focus on music minstry, Huber would eventually pair up with Steve Thomas to form Reelworld.
Their first package Huber and Thomas created together was for CHR/Rhythmic powerhouse WPGC-FM in Washington DC. PGC's consultant Jerry Clifton also did consulting work for KUBE-FM in Seattle, and made them aware for Thomas and Huber recent work with PGC, and the modern jingle duo created a package for KUBE. With that second package, business exploded and radio ID jingles were reseated.
Reelworld branched out into other formats including CHR/Pop, Country, News/Talk, and AC, and continues to be a strong player in radio jingle business. Not bad for a company that calls Seattle, WA home. Those who know about the radio ID jingle business that many of the production house that create radio station jingles are based out of Dallas, TX. More to life than JR and the Ewings ya know :)
Happy Ten Years Reelworld, and here is to another ten years.
Link to Reelworld Producations
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