Cindy Sheehan returns to her beloved Camp
You knew she had to come back sometime or if she was not able Sheehan would pitch a fit in front of the White House, and you know that might still happen.
Sheehan along with her leftist allies, are doing what they can do to force us to pull out of this war on terror. She says she is going back for her son.
Keep in mind that its not WAR that the left really opposes, but rather they oppose spreading freedom and liberty all over the world. They would rather see the world's peasants controlled by a few ruling elites. A group of elites that think they are the higher power.
However these elites have made an unholy alliance with Muslim Extremists, who they hope can bring the world to its knees. The only thing that can backfire for the Atheistic elites (and I am not trying to bash Atheists in general here. Just pointing some things out) is that the Muslims Extremists could come as the winners once the alliance has taken out America and what it stands for. Both groups want to dominate the masses but in end only one of the groups will be able to 'Rule the World.'
Sheehan keeps asking publicly what her son Casey died of. She warns us; "The presidency is not bigger than the people's will. And when the people speak out, it's the president's responsibility to listen. He is there to serve us, not the other way around." Sadly Sheehan is right and that could cost us our freedom and liberty in the long run.
Gunny Bob Newman on his talk show heard on KOA-AM told his audience that most Americans don't understand what war is all about. They think that it should only last for a few weeks. The recent polls regarding our presence in Iraq tend to show that and sadly most people are turning on the war.
Granted nobody wants war but second to Government, War is a necessary evil. Peace through Cooperation & Goodwill sounds great in a utopia but in the real world its not possible most of the time.
According to a story that was published in World Net Daily today, Sheehan called the terrorists "freedom fighters" right to the faces of those who work for CBS News.
If you truly said that Cindy, I wonder what Casey would think of that? Are you really proud that your son was killed by those 'freedom fighters'? Are you proud of your son's death since you could not convince him to go to Canada as you have claimed you wanted to do in your interviews with the liberal talkers and reporters?
Unlike Vietnam the Commies did come after us like an Iron Fist (pun intended) right away. However if we bow out of THIS war. The War on terror, their will be hell to pay as Joseph Farah warns in his piece regarding RINO Chuck Hangel. Serving in Vietnam should not give anyone a pass to speak out without dissent.
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