Friday, August 26, 2005

Don't Advocate Violence on the "public airwaves." You might get censored AND something about the National Council of Churches

Bob Edgar the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches (NCC) has denouced Pat Robertson and like David Brock wants certain elements of the media to yank him off the air.

This as may know by now has to do with the Robertson's recent statements regarding Hugo Chavez the Dictator of Venezuela and sending someone in to kill him.

Granted what Robertson said is off the deep end and in a perfect world we would deal with Chavez very quick, but not nesscary kill the SOB.

Edgar was on Darth Fargo's radio talk program today, and has call for certain TV stations that do carry his program on the broadcast airwaves (if any) to CAN his show. After all you should never advocate assassination on the "public airwaves." Is it still OK for Jennifer Garner (who is having Ben Aflack's Demon Child :) LOL ) and Kiefer Sutherland for kick @$$??? OK so they are just actors, BUT George Stephanopoulos (formor Clinton lacky) once advocated that his old boss take out Saddam and do mean KILL. Check out if you don't believe me.

Intresting that Edgar was so concerned about stopping that next uncaring soul from killing another person and brought up the death of Dr. Martin Luther King as an example. Question would that include any figures on the right? Maybe not.

As a broadcaster (hoping to find his next gig) I am very concerned about how the left loves to use the term "public airwaves." This is nothing but their attempt to convince people that the airwaves need to heavely regulated, and that includes bringing back the "fairness doctine" so that people will be convinced once again that the progressives in our country have the best intrests of us in mind. Does that including why we should elect Hillary Clinton for President???

As for the NCC, let me point out that its a lefty group of religionists. That in itself is not bad, but what they advocate is. For many years they have advocated many Communist causes, with not only their hearts but with the money they get from its members. The NCC also has been a longtime ally of Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro. That should not surprise you since Chavez is seen as a Castro of sorts. Also the NCC has become part of the modern day "peace" movement, and has been opposed not only the current Iraq War, but the 1991 Gulf War as well. They have lent their support to Cindy Sheehan and her elk as well.

Their is a Religious Left out there, just as much as their is a Religious Right. Just don't expect the media to tell you about the former. Those are just mainstream religionists. Profile on the NCC

National Council of Churches Offical Website


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