The 'Rightees' are ripping Cindy Sheehan to shreds????
The anti-war left is doing all they can to keep this woman alive, and in the top stories on the national news broadcasts.
Ed Schultz can't stand to see this woman do it alone and this is what makes him decide to come down and cuddle Cindy Sheehan. Don't worry Stacy Taylor (another lefty talker) will come after Darth Fargo leaves.
We "rightees" as you like to call us Darth Fargo are attacking Sheehan NOT BECAUSE of her loss. We totalty understand that part, and that she wishes that her son Casey is still alive. However we are NOT going into our so called 'playbook' to find out how to discredit Sheehan. All you need you do is some research, and find out who is backing her up.
First of all the Mainline Media, but that is only the surface. has a great profile on Cindy Sheehan and who she really is. Nobody knows the Modern Left like DavidHorowitz, and has done a great service with his 'discoverthenetwork' project.
As you will see Sheehan has ties to many socialist and Anti-American groups. She is also hob-knobing with those who call themselves Communists. I don't use the word Communist lightly, but the the facts are right their for anyone who wants to see them. You can start with the above links I just gave. No playbook; just take them through your 'personal filiter' as Mike Rosen from KOA-AM in Denver tells his audience. Jerry Doyle still sticks to his opinion that Bush should have taken five minutes to meet with Sheehan. He says that maybe the media freak show would have ended. Sometimes I wonder if Doyle was right. Maybe Cal Thomas was right too, about Bush meeting with Cindy and making it public.
Meanwhile the story 9/11 affair regarding Jamie Gorelick (Pronouced Gore-Relic) wall between the FBI and CIA, and Able Danger's warning regarding the 9/11 attacks is in danger of being buried away, and letting Mohammed Atta and company go just because of certain "cards" they held in their wallets. Michael Savage has not talked about Cindy Sheehan (to my ears at least) on his show allthough their is a link to a story on his website.
Leftys want to keep Sheehan alfloat. OK Rightys lets bite back in showing how Clinton's pals allowed 9/11 to happen.
A commentary from Jack Kelly
A commentary from Jacob Goodwin
Linda Chavez held back on any comments on Cindy, but now that is over.
To Darth Fargo: Hope you enjoy yourself at Camp CINDY...I Really mean that. One more thing , Fargo. I hear your not good friends with Randi Rhodes, but you might want to tell her not to send this kind of nasty E-Mail to Gunny Bob Newman
"You are a sick man. Do you kiss your President with that mouth?"
Don't believe me? Click here to go to Gunny Bob's E-Mail page.
Nobody loves war, but these so-called 'Anti-War' people have done everything to help out with the cause of Socialism and enable certain Communist Revolutions all over the world.
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