Sunday, September 04, 2005

Another Vacancy on the Supreme Court

This time it's due to the death of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist who died of Cancer.

Story from FOX News

Expect the left to do what they can to make sure that only leftys and swingers are the replacements not only for Sandra Day O'Connor but Rehnquist as well. The formor was known to be a swinger, Rehnquist was a strict Constitutionalist and the left does not want that at all. They need someone that will hold "Civil Liberties" even at the expense of not looking towards our Constitution or even American law (including the states).

I have mixed feelings about this. The people I would like to see on our courts would be that understand not only what Constitution says but also understand the need for limited government. Mostly these people would be libertarian in nature.

I don't want to see Roe V. Wade (regarding a woman's right not to reproduce/abortion) overturned nor do I want to see gays/lesbians prosecuted just because they engage in love making that is seen unnormal to certain hetrosexuals.

Yet I do have issues with the courts looking towards other countries or even other documents outside of the United States Constitution in the laws in country at all levels, even if the court rules right in PRINCIPLE. When the court stucked down sodomy laws in Texas it was reported that the judges ruling in favor of striking down these Texas laws looked towards the laws in several European countries in accounting for their decision.

However I do agree with Neal Boortz that sleeping with the same sex should not be a crime, but taking someone elses property or life IS and SHOULD be a crime.

Neal's comments from the Neal Nuze June 27, 2003

Keep in mind that the 10 Commandments Ex-Judge Roy Moore is just as much an activist judge as those activist judges on the left. He was not afraid to use the Bible when ruling in which he did regarding Gay adoption, as pointed out in a recent issue of libertarian magazine "Reason."

Anyway this week, John Roberts will face a lot of questions, especially from the Boxers, the Kennedy's, and any Dem that can skin him alive. That should begin on Tuesday since Monday is Jerry Lewis/Labor Day. I plan to talk about that tomorrow.


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