Monday, September 19, 2005

Starving Government???...Yea lets Make it Fat & Bloated

Remember the song that Dave Matthews wrote called "Too Much?" The song attacked corporations through using the metaphors about eating and drinking too much.

However when it comes to making the government nice and fat, it seems that many leftys sing a different tune. Because after all in the mind of a lefty/liberal/progressive the Government is this entity of goodness, the Justice League, making sure that wrong is made right. To that end the Goverment must take in the money it requires to make everything right.

Granted their are some things a goverment needs to do which private enterprise can't do. Those few things include a national defense, and at the local levels police and fire protection, and paving the roads. Those are just a few things that the Government should be involved with.

But for the lefty, they always keep talking about "fairness." When it comes to taxes it is no different. The problem with the left is defining fairness and changing it to fit their own intrests. The real problem is that the left never saw a tax increase they ever hated, and when someone talks about tax cuts then the left throws a fit and says that it is NOT the time for a tax cut. I have to tell you, there is never a RIGHT time for a tax cut for the left.

As I said most leftys love government with a passion, and believe that the goverment must shape and change society as they see fit and solve every problem that is out their. Since the Goverment can't CREATE wealth it must Confiscate and spend as they see fit, which also includes Redistribution of the wealth. As LA Times reporter and commentary Robert Scheer says...

"Let's be blunt: A progressive tax is a good thing for the very reason libertarian and conservative ideologues think it is bad: It redistributes income in a way that ever so slightly makes us more equal and minimally protects the weakest among us."

Not really Mr. Scheer; it makes the "weakest" depended on the goverment and it helps the Democrats at large buy certain votes. Oh yea, how can I forget. Scheer was and still is a Bill Clinton fan (along with Fidel Castro). While I don't want to be cold and heartless to those who may have not been as successful as others, it should be pointed out that so many who masterminded this thing called Socialism came from very wealthy familes, and Scheer I can say beyond reasonable doubt is a Limo Lefty.

Well here is another white collar lefty who is concerned about the government not being feed.

Dave Zweifel: We Must Stop Starving Government

Look Goverment is a necessary evil, but you should fund it reasonably. However these leftys want it funded so it can be the "Nanny" that they envision. You can only do it for awhile however. Like the parable about the foolish man who built his house upon the sand the rains come down and the floods come up, and house comes crashing down...much like New Orleans which was built on sand sort of speak.

The Free Market; give it a chance sometime. It can do great things. It spite of those who abuse it and abuse people, overall the Free Market is truly a house built upon the ROCK!!!


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