Monday, November 07, 2005

Darth Fargo will be heard on Armed Forces Radio after all

Well at least our troops will hear the "truth" about the Iraq war, and Rush is not going anyway along with NPR News.

Story from Raw Story

We need to abort the mission, Iraq is bad, Bush needs to be impeached or so says the left. Yet the Democrats get away with murder big time. Did you hear that the Hamburgler is in some kind of role for the Hillary Clinton stealth informercial "Commander In Chief?" Even Genna Davis herself is showing support for Lady MacBeth

Oh and have you heard about the new bill sponcered by Cynthia McKinney if Georgia? This bill should it become law will call for an investigation to try to find out who killed Tupac Amaru Shakur a.k.a. 2Pac. World Net Daily also has some dirt on those the Hip-Hop Artist left behind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I regret to inform the reader that the blogger you are reading has no penis. Don from Colorado Spring greatly regrets not making this overtly know to all that patronize this vile waste of cyberspace, but we as compassionate human being do, in fact, have to make some room for even the dickless.

The Management would like to thank you for your understanding regarding the matter. You will happy to know that Don from Colorado Spring as been advised that he is welcome to go fuck himself.

2:05 PM


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