Friday, February 24, 2006

Regardless of Your Stand on the Port Deal; DON'T VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!!

Granted I am not a man that puts his faith in the Republican Party (I vote of them cause they are close to what I believe in for this country), and in spite of Rush Limbaugh supporting this UAB deal regarding our ports he does point out as well as Michele Malkin (and opposes the sale by the way) regarding the Dems stand against the Deal.

Its wrong for free enterprise to be friends with a company with ties to Arabs to be involved in our country but if its in someplace like in education (Elementary, Secondary, Higher Learning) well that is OK, cause after all the leftys have a monopoly on that right???

One thing about the Malkin's, the Glenn Beck's, the Gunny Bob Newman's, the Michael Savage's, the Neal Boortz's, and the Michael Graham's of the world regarding their opposition to the deal. Their are constant about their concern for the safety and America first and foremost.

The Dems; well its all about boosting their fame and buying votes. Their were crying and pitching a fit about the treatment of the Arabs. Now they do a 180 regarding this UAE deal saying its bad. People I warn you now don't get suckered by these Dems. They are not really concerned about the security about the ports. Their are more concerned about buying votes...Again.

Once the Dems get back into power then they return to the agenda of as Mike Rosen points out; "Progress on the Road To Socialism."

The Road to Socialism is the only thing that the leftys want to make Progress on. Nothing more and nothing less. No choice in education, and you can only to the neighborhood government school (unless your in the Goverment then your child will be educated so he/she can rule the dumb masses). Health Care; well that will all be taken care of by the Federal government and Hillary Care will be a great name for it. Taxes, well they need to go higher and higher(and the elites will be safe and no one from the dumb masses will ever be a threat to them). After all we have to "Help" the needy and be "free from want" as FDR reminded us all.

You call this "Progressive?" I call it OPPRESSIVE!!!!

Don't forget that with the Dems, you also get Barbara Boxer, Martin Sheen, Jennifer Gardner/Ben Aflack, Barbs, Rob "Meathead" Reiner and other Hollywood Types, The Kennedy Clan, Howard Dean, John Kerry Tom Dashale (even if he got voted out) and other Dem leaders past and present. Cindy Shehan and the other Anti-War people.

This is only the shortlist but its enough to remind you NOT TO VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opulently I to but I about the collection should prepare more info then it has.

12:35 AM


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