Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Recommended Readings

Bush panders to the ignorance of the American people rather than tell them about "Supply and Demand." "Illegal Alien" becoming a racial slur (Fine they are Invaders from Mexico), and thoughts on Tony Snow being Bush's Press Guy and how FOX News is part of the Right-Wing Noise Machine. All of this from another element of the Right Wing Noise Machine regardless if he truly is or not Neal Boortz.

Herman Cain has his take on Gas Prices and Hot Air

Jack Kingston talks about helping America achieve energy independence

Tony Blankley says Bush is talking like Chuckie Schummer. Not good enough Mr. President with all due respect. Chuckie would still like his own kind in your Office and White House.

While we are on the subject The Real World Mallard Fillmore tells us that Greed gets things done. Kindness it can only give things away.

For Once Greenpeace is doing something right.
Going after the Kennedys especially Uncle Ted for blocking windmill farms in their area. I hope some of you lefists idiots see what people like Kennedy have in store for the rest of us. All they want to do is rule over the pesants.

Don't tell your minimum wage stories to Walter Williams. He will set the record on this issue and will not feel your pain.

Michelle Malkin talks about the REAL Victims of the Mexican Invasion. Many of those Victims are Pushing Daises. Offended by the term 'Pushing Daises"??? Good now I hope I corrected your thinking if it the wrong way.

If Bush was smart we would find any loyalties to the Clinton Shadow Government and get them out of the CIA. This from Linda Chavez.


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