Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thursday Readings

Taylor Hicks won this years 'American Karaoke' contest, but I am not linking any stories. Just making note of it. I'll will mechion the winner every year since you zombies love this show too much. Maybe next year you will not care as much.

At least thousands of people in the Atlanta area went to the Fairtax Rally in spite of the season finales of Karaoke and even 'Lost.' Plus comments comments about the Fred Phelps clan, more on William Jefferson and John Murtha declares 12 Marines Guilty. All this from the Talkmaster.

Everybody thought Saddam had WMD's just about. Larry Elder reminds us of this. Looks like the Democrats are back to their old ways.

Matt Drudge calls Al Gore's bluff when it comes to his favorate issue. What can I tell you. It is all about heavy and strict regulation. Do as I say not what I do. Spoken like a true socialist.

Ann Couter introduces us to Jean Rohe. She did not like Johnny McCain speaking at her school, and she like many other "anti-war" protesters go after Johnny for the wrong reasons.

George Will presents us with a very VERY Good Ideal. Ending Bilingual Ballots. Its about time, cause the Mexican Invasion is underway. Our Attorney General however is turn his head.

Their Baaaaaaaaack. Bob and Mary Schindler that is. Now they are saying their was a Drug that could have saved their beloved daughter Terri. OK you two and your family wrote a book. Terri is gone, now quit your denial and accept the fact that Teri died a long time ago.


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