Sunday, May 07, 2006

We Have Another 'Youthful Idiot' to Deal With

I just heard about this Idiot from Sean Rima's weekend talk show on KOA-AM in Denver.

This youthful idiot goes by the name of Ava Lowery, and she is 15 years old. She is also an Anti-War activist, and has won the hearts of many leftys and left wing sites.

Some of those leftys include Michael Moron (Moore), and Cindy Sunshine (Sheehen)

Lefty publications such as 'The Progressive', BuzzFlash (The left's answer to Matt Drudge), and have featured this Youthful Idiot.

Peace takes courage no doubt, but peace does not come from trust, cooperation, and goodwill. Peace comes about when one party is able to overtake the others, thus the term; "Peace Comes Through Strength." So if you want peace and want to protect what is yours, you better be prepared to fight for it cause the other party wants to take it from you and maybe your own life.
Here is the link to "Peace Takes Courage"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you one of those who have been making death threats to her?

1:23 PM


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