The "Public Airwaves"
When it comes to over the air broadcasting, Cable many people like you say that WE The People Own the airwaves. The reality is the GOVERNMENT owns the airwaves. In my perfect world the FCC would only make sure that the property of the radio station frequences would not be traspased on by Pirates or whatever.
But even though their is not as much scarcidy as their was in the 1930's you Goverment still makes sure that they stay in control in everything they touch their dirty hands and that includes radio and TV.
Controling the public airwaves so-called is not just limited to leftys who want the "Fairness Doctrine" so that that they can "Crush" Rush, "Slam" Hannity, "Savage" Savage, "Boortz" Boortz and once again claim their monopoly once more. Its also being done by Social Conservatives who wish for the days of "Leave it to Beaver" and Ozzie and Harriet. Today the Social Conservatives scored a victory today when President Bush signed the Broadcast Decency Act of 2005 into law.
While it does not change the laws on the books allready it does increase the Indecency Fines to $325,000. The fines piror to that were $32,500.
Bush pandering to the Social Rightys, said that children are living; "in a culture that too often produces coarse, vulgar and obscene entertainment. Unfortunately, in recent years, broadcast programming has too often pushed the bounds of decency."
Can you devine what you mean by 'pushed the bounds of decency' Mr President? Yes; you admited that parents need to control the viewing habits of our children but making such a statement is kind of making you two faced on this issue.
Charles Pickering a congressmen from Mississippi is suggesting that broadcast licenses be snatched. He want to say; "A healthy democracy requires a decent society; it requires that we are honorable, generous, tolerant and respectful. Our public airwaves provide a chance to affirm we want to be a good, decent people — a good, decent nation. America does not want vulgarity and sexual exploitation to be our values, and we do not want the world to think those are our standards. We want to be a better nation and a better people, with better standards."
OK Honorable, Generous, Tolerant, Respectful are all great values. I think however you forgeting something Pickering. You think everyone in America is a Prude just like you. You think everyone is a God Fearing Religious Zelot like you are. That is not true and not everyone that is on the "right" is someone that is bowing down to Christian Right and Catholic. Granted I can live without HBO and their orginal shows like "Deadwood," "The Sopranos," and "Sex and the City." In the world outside of Preston, ID people don't not say flippin, they say F---k, allthough they did not really use THAT word in Deadwood but a profane term/terms that was hip at the time.
I don't think that returning to days of sleeping in two seperate beds (even if your married) is going to make the world better. Yes that what they showed in TV in the 50's. You just could talk about Sexual Reproduction on TV. Oh yea, the Stork came to those white picket fences and dropped a baby off. Help us if that is what Pickering wants to teach our children. Will FOX have to tone down the violence on its hit show '24' to make these prudes happy??? We shall see. This is one law that our courts really need to get on. Remember when the Government wanted to mandate a "Family Hour?" No way...they lost on that one.
I really get sick and tired of people who call themselves "Pro-Family" when they they want Government to run our lives and make it "safe" for them and their Religion. Yes I said Religion, cause so many of them are. 'Focus on the Family' is a Christian Group and they make no bones about it, but its the same groups that hide behind the term "family" to foward their agenda.
You want to live a Make Believe world were everyone is so nice and sweet fine, just tell your children when they are comming of age, that the world may not expect their religious beliefs.
Bush Signs Law
Charles Pickering remarks
Today Darth Fargo is crying on Unfairness on his show and how ownership and is hoping for the day when his Democrat Friends can force his show on Powerhouse radio stations. He screams about how the Media Companies are so UNFAIR!!! NO THEY ARE NOT ED!!!!
Rush Limbaugh could have failed at his talk show, but the demand for his commentary was so high that he is now heard on over 600 stations. Hannity is also popular nationwide and has cleared 500 stations. These shows have stood their ground because they were able to attract an audience. This is the Free Market at work.
Ed Schultz aka Darth Fargo has been able to attact people in markets that have a liberal populus plus cracking the top ten in the who's who in the most listened to talkers according to Talkers Magazine but has yet to make the mark that Limbaugh and Hannity have nationwide. The only way Schultz can do that is for the Democrats to reanact the "Fairness Doctine" and force radio stations to air his program. I can't wait, hearing Democrats that will never be challanged unlike Rush does on his show. Ed Schultz will make sure that the Democrats are seen as the Good Guys and Angels and will all the good things they do (like how Big Government is a Good thing etc etc). I can tell you it will not stop their. They will go after sites like Townhall, Drudge Report, and Bloggers like myself and keep us in check to make sure that the Authortarins are never EVER questioned.
Do you know a place in this world were stuff like this happens??? I can name one place...CHINA!!! Have you forgotten how the Dems and leftys thought that the Soviet Union was somekind of Heaven on Earth????
Ed Schultz does not have a right to be heard on whatever station he wants to be on. Schultz being yanked off KSL Radio in Salt Lake City is no different than Michael Graham yanked in DC for his remarks on the religion on Islam or Colorado talker Chuck Baker yanked for his stance on Illegal Immgration in a market in which has been known as a save haven for them...Not Denver, not Boulder but Pueblo.
Protests happen a lot and cause a lot of bad PR for radio stations and the companies that own them. Freedom of Speech is not obsolete.
We do not need the Government manding what we can watch and listen to. This country was built on the Free Market...LET IT DECIDE!!!! Darth Fargo may lose in a few markets but he has his niche for sure. No different for Sports Talker Jim Rome, or Hot Talkers Tom Leykis, Don & Mike, and Opie and Anthony. Leykis is not heard everywere but he still does well, and so will the Sith Lord of Socialist Talk.
Also you don't like what TV is offering now???? Turn it off and hopfuly you will get a few more "7th Heaven" type shows on the air.
Meanwhile their are PLENTY of outlets that leftys and rightys can go to for information...MORE SO NOW!!!!
P.S. Walter Cronkite is a Global Socialist (he admits it) and spun his story to fit his world view. Was he really Fair is the "Most Trusted Man in America?"
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