My Tribute to Walter Cronkite and its NOT NICE!!!
Last night PBS aired a special which was a tribute to the "Most Trusted Man in American" aka Walter 'Crankenhouse' Cronkite. By the way Katie Cookie Cutter narrated this special. This man handed our Milltary a loss (Vietnam) and has come out in support of a One World Government which is a utopian dream for many Liberals/Socialists (or Progressives as they like to call themselves these days).
Ever since his retirement from CBS News, Cronkite showed his true colors and came out of closest and admited that he was an activist journalist. While Dan Rather admited this while in the anchor's chair, Rather lacked the charm that Cronkite had, and man Cronkite used that not only to make us lose the Vietnam war but to promote Big Government programs that "help" the Poor.
The liberals all over continue to worship the glory of this man that many people did watch during Cronkite's heday. Those who were critical of him had very few outlets that could be used to counter Cronkite's spin (and then some) on the current issues of the day. Plus their was this thing called the "Fairness Doctrine" to make sure that only the left spin (make no mistake Richard Nixon tried to use it too) prevailed in the electronic media...while claiming that "We The People" own the airwaves...NOT!!!!
The Media Research Center has compiled some notable quoteables of Cronkite's post CBS years. Click All of These to Read the Quotes.
If this does not convince you that Walter Cronkite is a dangerous and Evil man...Nothing Will.
With people like Cronkite trying to turn America into the New Soviet Union, Rush Limbaugh truly deserves the title of "American's Anchor Man." Rush help set the standard not only for the News/Talk format, but the overall New Media. To that end I am very greatful.
Go on you leftys worship Cronkite all you want...We who truly in Liberty, Freedom, and the Individual know better.
I refuse your "Upgrade." I'd rather be "deleted."
As for Walter Cronkite, we made a big mistake in 'trusting' this man on informing us on the state of the world. Now we don't have too, but we have a long way to go in correcting the mess that Cronkite made.
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