Saturday Readings
Rich Galen has some thoughts on the New Direction which is really the same results should the Dems get the Security Blanket of power back.
Mark Alexander seconds what Galen said. Will the Dems be honest in why they want to raise taxes??? I shall answer that you two. BUY VOTES!!!
BP of the Patriot World blog is off his rocker again...for some good reasons.
Kathryn Jean Lopez also has kind words for Olie Stone's 9/11 Pic. If this keeps going I might just pay this Commie some money.
Who is looking out for us. Bush or the Anti-Bush media??? This from Billy O
Pat Boone has writen a song that shows support for our troops overseas. In this week's piece he presents us those lyrics plus thoughts on the current war.
The Federal Courts have ruled that you can't "edit" certain films so that its more "family friendly." Ted Baehr says its a blow to Parental Rights, and why you need his Movie Guide publication more than ever. I have not made a final desision on this.
David Horowitz has a great ideal...reeducate Palestinian children and promote civil beahavor.
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