Monday Morning Readings
Johnatan Last shows the downside of the Population Decrese.
You can make love all you want but the Terrorists are still Making War. Doug Powers explains in this piece.
Chuck Norris tell everyone to just say "Merry Christmas."
Joseph Farah holds MegaPastor Rick Warren to the fire.
Now that the Dems are in charge Michael Barone wonders were they will go when it comes to taxes.
From the You Have Been Warned Department. Democrats Vow Investigations.
Castro's Mini-Me Vows to Beat the Devil named George W. Bush. With the Dems in Charge of our Government who deep in their hearts love people like Hugo Chavez that just might happen.
Paul Greenberg has his piece the recently dessest Milton Friedman
Suzanne Fields gives us several good reasons on why John Bolton should remain abassador to the UN.
Debra Saunders talks about one Muslim who saw what the religion really is in a year than other piece regardless if their are right or left.
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