Saturday, December 30, 2006

Goodbye Saddam--R.I.P.

In this case the P stands for PIECES!!!

Story from the AP

Hours before Saddam got hung Lt. Colonel Rick Francona said that Saddam would pay for his crimes.

Other Readings for This Saturday

John Edwards has throwen his hat into the ring for the Oval Office, but Lawrence Kudlow says he still has a losing message. No Edwards; America is not moving to the Hard Left and you should know it.

Here is Part Four of Thomas Sowell's Dangerous Obession Piece. In this section Sowell talks about this rotten thing called 'Supply and Demand.' Hey its rotten if your a lefty.

Robert Novak's random thoughts of the week.

Star Parker has her thoughts on President Ford and 'healer' politicians. They may make us sicker and not better.

Paul Kengor reminds us of one good thing about Ford (and Jimmy Carter) was out of that Ronald Reagan would become President.

I am no fan of Jerry Falwell and I rarely link any of his pieces. This is an exeption since he is talking about this phoney holiday called Kwanzaa and telling Americans to rethink about this Holiday. Kwanzaa is racist and Marxist, and Not because Jerry Falwell said so. Because Ron Karenga (aka Ron Everett) Himself said so.


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