Monday Morning Readings
George Will talks about our moral duty in Iraq
The media is doing all it can to make a defeat in Iraq possible. Michael Barone says Bush still sticks to his Guns regarding a Win.
Robert Novak says Bush Faces an Opportunity and a Dilemma regarding Iraq.
To No One's Suprise, Castro's Mini-Me win re-election. Socialism is Human and Love...DON'T BUY IT!!! Socialism is really CONTROL!!!!
At least the New President of Mexico is standing by his promice to slash Government their and he did take a pay cut.
Kevin McCullough lists several reasons why Barac Obama will be President by 2009. Moderates and Church Goers...Don't Be FOOLED!!! Obama is a Democrat and will support the coaluation that backs the Dems. That includes those who want the Government to regulate to death.
Thomas Sowell talks about the people protesting Pelosi's ideals of who should have greater power in our Government and says that we are not the doormats that the elites think we are.
Chuck Norris talks about the upcomming 65th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and wonders if we will refect on other dates of terrorist attacks.
Judge Stephen Bryer thoughts on the Constitution and going Beyond it and why he thought holding up McCain-Finegold was a good ideal.
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