Friday Readings
Mike Rosen says its time for Colorado casinos to be able to raise their max wager and compares it to Deadwood, SD wager and State Run Lotteries.
David Limbaugh's thoughts on Jim Webb.
Joseph Farah talks about the PC Campus but redefines PC to mean Politically Corrupt. Case in Point; his own daughter being forced to watch Al Gore's Global Warming Propaganda movie...IN A ART CLASS!!!
Melanie Morgan talks about the talk about the Troop Surge.
Too Many Jews on the Holocaust council says Jimmy Carter. One guy that truly can get away with Anti-Semitism.
Castro's Mini-Me is planning to ask our Ambassador to leave Venezuela.
Russ Finegold pushes plan to cut off war funds. The Democratic Party is invested in our defeat.
Tom Tancredo calls for the abolishment of the Black Caucus. Only the left can group people by race.
Hollywood is gushing towards Sen. Barack Obama. This is lead by the former 'Dreamworks' Team.
Charles Krauthammer is not impressed with Bush's statement regarding our energy policy.
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