Wednesday Readings
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz
Loved the TV series 'Alias' but is Jeniffer Gardner losing it??? Worries about Global Warming and might to have more children. One or two children??? Nahh not for the elites.
Ed Koch supports Bush and the war on Islamo Facisism but still calls his bluff and says certain members of his Administration should resign.
Is Newt Gngrich back in the Game??? Thomas Sowell has his thoughts regarding his chances for the Big White House.
Michelle Malkin shows that the New York Times is NOT the master ethics when it comes to Journalism.
Poor Hillary...Can she do better than cry "Right Wing Conspiracy?"
Walter Williams looks at banning smoking from a economic view.
Tony Blankley does not blame the Halliburton Corporation for moving to the Dubai in the country from UAB. This is what happen when you have anti-Free Marketers like Henry Waxman calling for hearings which are still doing now.
You have ways to go in achieving your Socialist Nirvana on Earth. Still we can't drill within our own borders.
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