Evening News & Commentary
Bomb at Shiite Shrine Kills 7 in Karbala
Bush talks about Strong-Dollar policy
U.S. Embassy Sees Possible Kuwait Attacks
Libya Withdraws $1 Billion Assets Frozen in U.S.
The boys and girls in San Francisco want to ban guns...hey it a socialist utopia their and Michael Savage survives their for some reason.
Screeners spot – then lose – fake bomb
Pentagon: 130 troops punished for abuse
Sprint will merge with Nextel
For conservatives the term 'Merry Christmas' has become a cause. Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. Say No to Happy Holidays :)
Schools prohibit Christmas colors
Federal judge rules for Nativity display
The leftys are still going after Sinclair Broadcasting Group. Its a one way street for the REgressives
Liberal Bias Quantified in Media Study
I might have said that Hillary would win over any GOP rival. Well I could be wrong. I may not be well known as Matt Drudge but I try to do better.
Donald Runmsfeld defends himself by going after William Jefferson Clinton. Ed Schultz is going to have a ball with you Rummy. Clinton shares the blame but so do you.
More from King Country in the north
Michelle Malkin urges President Bush to fireDirector Thomas Quinn for brazen stupidity
John Rutherford on diseases that are crossing U.S. borders
Daniel Pipes talks about those who use the Koran to terrorize
The Wall Street Journal comes to the defense of the NAACP. MUST READ it deals with Freedom of SPEECH!!!
I support a woman's right to choose regarding if she wants or does NOT want to be a mother i.e. abortion. I personally feel that forcing Pregnant Woman to carry children (I don't support late term abortion) is attempt by certain men to maintain their control on women. However I also support a doctor's freedom of conscience. I don't agree with her on certain things but Jill Stanek talks about how certain Pro-Choicers don't give a darn about those doctors.
R.J. Rummel has a great piece on the marxist killing machine. MUST READ!!!
Joseph Farah warns that your children are NOT your children. It is not a pardox and this piece is a MUST READ!!!
Today I talked about a site called buyblue.org. My token lefty piece of the night is from Karen Landers who talks about that site and more.
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