Good Bye Bill Moyers. You will not be missed!!!
At least by me.
For very good reasons.
1. Activist Journalist
2. Lefty Activist Journalist
3. Anti-conservative Lefty Activist Journalist
4. Bash conservative Talk Radio, Anti conservative, Lefty Activist Journalist
5. Bash Reagan, Bash conservative Talk Radio, Anti conservative, Lefty Activist Jounalist
I could go on and on but I shall stop.
Let face facts. Most journalists are activists in one form or another. They report on things and sometimes they expose the flaws in our government but that also depends on what flaws they want to shine a light one.
Its been reported that Walter 'Crankenhouse' Cronkite when anchoring the CBS Evening News during the 1960's and 70's always enjoy exposing all the flaws and corruption when it came to our military but you would never heard about corruption when it came to our domestic programs that the government funds such as welfare. Why??
Answer is simple
Milltary BAD, Welfare Programs and other Domestic things GOOD
Also Crankenhouse is all for a one world government. Don't take my word for it, he thinks the UN is the cat's meow.
Anyway getting back to Bill Moyers who did have flings at NBC and CBS was a darling at the government subsided PBS, and in his final years he did show off his true colors and Brent Bozell and his gang the Media Research Center show him for the man he is.
Moyers Ends With a Silly Whimper, Not a Bang
No liberal bias says Bill Moyers only "Conservative" bias.
As Tom (from the old Tom & Jerry) would say after an white mouse explodes or corners Jerry and the mouse fights back big time;
"Don't You Believe It."
Love the reverb when its said.
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