Thursday, January 13, 2005

Today's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

The art of disagreeing is on the way out. Disagreeing is as close to Civil War. Thomas Sowell has a good piece on this.

Emmett Tyrrell is not going to lose sleep over the loss of Dan Rather and Bill Moyers.

Ann Coulter has her say about the CBS gang of four getting the shaft

The year is 2005 and Larry Elder warns that the Dems need a NEW TRUMP CARD cause the race one may not work any longer.

Our judges might be running scared. Ben Shapiro explains

Jonah Goldberg shows how the media goes after a black righty when it comes to taking tax money to promote something, but when Jesse Jackson does it...never mind he can't do no wrong.

Cliff May's take on Abbas...MUST READ!!!

Craige McMillan updates stolen race in Washington state

Howard Finemann talks about the American Mainstream Media Party. Sure they may not be a REAL party, but still good reading cause the events are very REAL.

Social Securty crisis five years from now or so says Donald Luskin

Edward Daley also advocates SS reform

Wendy McElory says domestic violence law helps Government big time and that is not a good thing.

Isaiah Z. Sterrett show how liberals appove of toture when its them and the people THEY support. Maybe leftys want to make Bush look like a fool.

Speaking of leftys, here is a token lefty piece from David Corn. Bush still spins after he says No WMD's.

Ed Schultz is wrong...It is Clinton's fault, he talked about the WMD but did nothing cause he too busy roasting HIS Hot Dogs. Yea THOSE HOT DOGS!!!! Bush did what Clinton failed to do.

Got a piece worthy linking on my blog. Sent me the link and if I AGREE, I will link it.


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