When the Left has to Intimidate the...You Know they might be in trouble
Last night Sean Rima was filling in for one of the KOA (Denver) Radio regulars, and the topic was Cindy Sheehan and Freedom of Speech.
One thing that the left says is that the right is doing all they can smear this poor woman's loss, and the fact she was a caring mother who loved her son Casey, and all she wants to do is talk with President Bush (and likely she is going to ask him to pull out of Iraq). What I think the left is trying to do, is intimidate us into silence. They want us to say nothing about Sheehan, and let only their noise machine tell us what we need to know about Cindy Sheehan, her 'Camp Casey', and how bad this war with Iraq is. They hate the fact that unlike during the Vietnam War they now have to compeate with a very vocal group of decenters.
Their is good news out of Iraq, but you will not get from the old standbys in the media.
Back then you had few outlets and that included a man who used his wit, and his grandfatherly approach to mislead many Americans into believing that Vietnam was a lost cause. That man was none other than Walter Cronkite. In spite of Watergate, Nixon proved to be a fighter and would not back down from a fight, but Cronkite and company hated it, and had the Watergate fall out happened sooner this country would have likely voted in pacifist George McGovern. Neverless Cronkite was able to call Nixon's bluff(thanks to the Deep Throat), and the latter had to step down.
Meanwhile Democrats got elected in the House and Senate and they were able to end the war. Afterwards North Vietnam and the Vietcong were able to overtake the South and to this day Vietnam has remained a Communist Paradise, and lets not forget people that their was never a communist or global socialist that the left never ever hated.
Today the media is trying so hard to pull it off again, only this time we are in Iraq. They think they found their girl to accomplish this goal. That girl being Cindy Sheehan. Sheehan is the left's last great hope to crush Bush once and for all, and to give the Democrats a majorty in our government once again. Only this time they have lost their beloved monopoly on the media which they had more/less in the 1960's.
We are not smearing this woman for her loss at all, and nor do we want her to be censored no matter how misguided Sheehan is. We are pointing out the facts about who is backing her up and some of the actions Sheehan did prior to her Camp Casey setup in Crawford, Texas.
You wonder why the left wants to impose a 'Fairness Doctrine' on the media once again? It has nothing to do with fairness, it really has to do the left's goal to control people.
Body, Mind, and Soul...PERIOD!!!!
P.S. Let me remind you that after many years of retirement, Cronkite advocated a end to the United States and call for in its place and everywere else, a World Government under the United Nations. World Government so that you know, was the means to an end for the Communists.
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