Some Random Thoughts
If you have been visiting my blog I have told you that I will present my POV rather than link other people's readings. It is easy on me and not as time consuming unless my statements are long, and that includes spelling corrections.
Today some random thoughts by yours truly.
Stop The Hamburgler
I shall begin with the statements made by The Hamburgler a.k.a. Sandy Burger. It seems that if your a Democrat and commit a crime you somehow allways have a clean slate. Recently The Hamburgler chewed out the Bush administration's 'failure' to bring securty to Iraq. This from a man who pleaded guilty early this year to distorying documents regarding the 9/11 investigation. However The Hamburgler served under Billy Boy Clinton is a proud Democrat and as you know, the Dems can never do wrong. Today he serves on a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) task force. I wonder if their is a place for The Hamburgler if Hillary gets the Oval Office. God forbit either of the two from reaching their goals.
The Hamburgler Blasts Bush for Security Failure
Be Ye Glad That Jimmy Carter got Trumped by The Gipper
Yep that was the good ole days. Carter was the very first modern pacifist in the oval office. He allowed Marxists to rise to power in Nicaragua and was very likely the man who set things in motion regarding our current war on terrior with middle eastern terriorists. This began in 1979 when Carter did not help Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the last Shah of Iran in preventing a revoluation led by Ayatollah Khomeini that ushered in a Islamic Republic that proved to be a VERY abusive religious theocracy. Today Carter has not learned the mistakes from the years in the oval office and recently stated that the war in Iraq is "unnesscary and unjust." He also said that the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay gives the terriorists to lash out at our country and justify their acts. What embodied George McGoven embodied Carter. However only Carter got to be President, and McGoven had accept defeat. Today the ideals of these two is now the platform of the Democratic Party regarding the Peace Process. Rather than Peace through strength the left believes in Peace through Talk. We know were talking gets us, and those who are not among the elite lose everytime. On Jimmy Carter
Joseph Farah's commentary on Carter
Bolton will serve 19 months
Since our Senate refuses to confirm John Bolton as ambassador to the UN, Bush has no choice but make him a recess apointment. Bolton will now serve until January 2007. By that time we shall have a new congress and half of the Senate is likely to change as well. The only reason Democrats and weak minded Republicans blocked Bolton is really for one reason and one reason alone. Bolton is not one of those who worship the UN and all its glory. If he were then he would have gotten the job without a scratch. The goal of most UN worshipers which includes Teddy Kennedy and Kofi Annan (who currently runs the outfit) is to make the UN the ONLY superpower of the world. Yep these guys are the true believers in one world government and the UN is this body that will make history in doing such a thing. I don't know if their will be an Anti-Christ but I can tell that world government only spells doom for those who work hard to make a living.
Neal Boortz on Bolton
The Union Brotherhood is not as loving as it was.
Recently the Teamesters and United Food and Commerical Workers Union has decided to break away from the mother of all unions, the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). The main is because of the outspokeness of AFL-CIO president John Sweeney who is a card carring member of the Democratic Socialists of America and seems to show the love toward communists. The statement is not a streech. According to Sweeney has repealed an AFL-CIO rule that forbids Communists from leading any of its member unions. This rule was in effect for a long time in the AFL and when the CIO joined forces in the mid 1950's the CIO had to remove any known Commie leaders in their fold.
Unlike Union leaders of the past Sweeney is on a mission to distory the free market completly. Sweeney is now looking toward the growth of government unions since the government can only take money rather than make money. Sweeney is truly a deciple of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and the adverage Union member who knows this is likely not going to like this.
I am glad to see the working stiff seeing Sweeney for what he is. A SOCIALIST!!!! on John Sweeney
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