Thursday, August 04, 2005

There's Something about Paul Hacket

Was he the great hope for liberals? This man who was running for Congress in Ohio and did serve our country in Iraq. Should a man who keeps reminds us of that fact should serve our government and should that trump the fact that he ran as a Democrat?

To him and Ed Schultz the answer is YES!!!

Schultz made a statement on his website that we shall find out if Ohio supports the troops.

Well I guess Ohio does not in his brainwashed mind. Hacket has lost to a Republican...a WOMAN Republican, but they don't exist in the minds of liberal women but that's another post. The vote however was close and Hacket lost by 4 percent.

The next day Schultz was blasting Howard Dean for not lending his support to Hacket. Schultz believed that Hacket had the guts that the Dems were looking for in their quest to regain majorty power in our government, and Dean could have attacted the media attention to get people to vote for Hacket. Schultz, like most leftys they see this as a sign of hope that soon they will take the country back. On the other hand it might drive voters away....YEAAAAAAAA!!!!

On the flip side, the close vote could be a sign that the Republicans should not go the way of the Dems when it comes to 'tax and spend' government. If its one thing that freedom loving Americans want, it a government that does not raise tax like crazy and spends like a drunk sailor. The Republicans are so intimated by the liberals in high places including the News Media...and yet they are still losing power. Well not enough to truly beat back the Dems

Hacket tried to hide the had the fact he was runing as a Democrat, and his rivals in the Republican Party tried to corner him on that and it did work. Just because you served your country does not give you a free pass when it comes to your politics. If Hacket did get elected chances are he would tow the same Democrat line. Class Warfare, tax and spend, wealth redistribution, peace through talking and get the ideal.

The newsmedia still had their 'cry' as the Media Research Center points out



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