How Media Matters twists the truth to make the right look bad
David Brock once a righty that went to the left and these days is doing hack jobs for the left in their attempt to reclam their monopoly on the media, tried to stick it to Neal Boortz in this recent hack statement.
For Boortz its truly water off a duck's back as he explains in this Nealz Nuze Post.
Unlike the Media Research Center which is seen as a conservative group focusing more on how the reporters spin their stories and clam to be "objevtive," Media Matters goes after those who are KNOWN to be commentators. They attack the statements made by Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity ETC, and then go crying to Al Franken and Darth Fargo about how they lie and spin and that ONLY the leftys are telling truth and we must return to an age when the media was "fair." What they want is the goverment to be able to regulate the media so that freedom of speech can be stiffled and only the lefty spin wins out be default.
Granted I have yet to see MRC go after liberal talkers in if they are in DC their is an outlet in which Progressives can speak their message on the radio. Maybe they should, since Brock and his elk work harder to prove their is NO LIBERAL BIAS.
One thing to know about the liberal media. They tag (or state how a certain person thinks) rightys. They for the most part don't tag leftys or lefty groups. A Molly Ivins, a Robert Scheer, a Paul Krugman, a Maureen Dowd, a AARP, a National Education Assocation are never tag as liberals but just level-headed thinking people or groups just trying to help their members.
Most of the boys and girls in the news media are liberals, the NEA and AARP are ran by liberals and at least half of their members toe the lefty line, and Ivins, Krugman, Dowd, and Scheer are seen as liberals. As the old saying goes "Birds of feather, flock together." They just DON'T tell you that up-front.
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