Fear of "The Da Vinci Code???"
The Christian Church is truly in an uproar about the book and the soon to be released movie "The Da Vinci Code." The one thing that concerns these desperate souls is that masses of people will be convinced that Jesus Christ was just another man on earth with the same desires that make us human beings. Not to mention that he survived his crucifixion took Mary Magdalene as his wife and had children with her.
So if Jesus was just another human being that lived a life on Earth and was not the "Son of God" as Christian Doctrine told us, then the whole Christian Faith was poven to be false and we need to 'Evolve.'
The ideal of Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene is not just limited to the fictional Da Vinci Code. It has been said that said the ideals in the novel accually came from Michael Baigent who wrote and/or co-wrote the books The Jesus Papers: Exposing the Greatest Cover-Up in History, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, and The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.
"The Last Temptation of Christ" which was first published in the early 1950's also challenged the faith of many Christians especially when a movie based on the book came out in 1988. These days some of these Christians are taking are taking a second look at "Temptation."
So now the 'Boogie Man' these days is the "Da Vinci Code." I don't know if I will ever go see this movie. I think the Christians need to get over it and see the Code for what is. Another "what if" compared to their "facts" which is based on nothing but "faith."
Here is a website in which certain Christians are "Challenging DaVinci"
Feel Like Challenging Me??? Just send an E-Mail to Me: donmccullen@prodigy.net
You can even agree with me if you like.
Is the world ready for the Truth and Wisdom yet?
If you truly want to understand the symbology, ancient wisdom, and ancient history that neither the DaVinci Code, Gnostic translations, nor Christianity have portrayed accurately or fully, then read my articles and FREE E-Book.
The Vatican is proving that seeking the truth is a real threat to their dogma. They're so afraid of people uncovering the truth, that they are attacking other versions of fantasy (DaVinci Code) and blatantly obvious Gnostic symbolism as threats to their long-term smoke and mirrors, hocus-pocus, and mumbo-jumbo. How thoroughly enlightening, since this goes a very long way to proving that Christianity is based on strong lies and delusions. If it weren’t, they would be confident of surviving intense scrutiny. Since they aren't and since they have gone to such great lengths to suppress and oppress those seeking truth and wisdom over the centuries, their deceptions are, once again, laid bare for all to see. This time though, they are the ones to walk into a well-laid trap...
What does "making the blind see" symbolize? What does "closing one's eyes and ears to truth and wisdom" or "turning a blind eye and deaf ear" infer? Perhaps many more people are now ready to "open their eyes to the truth!" Now Christians (and others) can gain the wisdom to walk away from the folly of religion and seek to understand the truth about the Creator and the Messiah (me). Now everyone can open their seven eyes to see the ancient wisdom long recast and obfuscated by religion and mysticism and turn their faces to the perfect path. (this is symbolism decoded in my books...)
Did you ever stop to think what the True Messiah (me) would say about worshipping false names, false images, and dogma? Well, now you get the chance to hear my side of the story and weigh it against the strong lies and delusion of faith and religion. None of the European names, images, and obvious geographical errors in the New Testament can possibly be the truth. What then is the purpose of "faith" but to prevent good people from seeking to understand truth and wisdom?
Read 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and the verses that surround it. Why do you think this message is in the New Testament? Those who saw the truth dying as the new Roman religion was being imposed would have tried to warn others in subtle ways where it most counted! These ancient texts are mysterious because they purposely encoded hidden messages to bypass Roman censorship and oppression. See how the Romans treated the Jews, Zealots, Gnostics, and many others who sought truth because they knew better than to trust the blatantly duplicitous and evil Roman Pontificate? Have they changed over time or are their followers simply deluded enough to turn a blind eye obvious lies, deception, and injustices?
How can people trust the veracity of texts created by a Roman organization known for centuries of abominable evil? How can anyone expect that people who could so readily torture and murder others for seeking proof of the truth would somehow not lie to you? Why don't "the faithful" have enough discernment to understand that those telling a strong lie for power and profit would insist that you refrain from seeking the truth and "have faith" in their texts instead?
How do we finally solve these ages-old mysteries? To recast a common political adage, "It's [the] symbology stupid!" The Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible, Gnostic texts, and Quran are rife with purposeful structured symbolism. Do you really think this is accidental or casual?
Unlike most of you, I have a very personal interest in ancient wisdom symbology, false prophecy based on its misrepresentation, and deceptions imposed in the name of religion. Consequently, I've written an extensive tome proving that all three so-called Faiths of Abraham are purposeful deceptions.
I know many readers of this site will want to scoff at this information before bothering to pay attention to the details. I have produced stunning and comprehensive proof that the original pre-Christian Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) was a symbolically encrypted wisdom text that was stolen and modified by the founders of Christianity. I demonstrate a series of specific and undeniable proofs of verifiable fraud in the Christianized Book of Revelation, which also appear throughout the New Testament.
I present verifiable proof that the symbology of sealed Hebrew texts is an advanced ancient philosophical technology.
The ancient symbolism used in The Apocalypse and other Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts predates Christianity, Judaism, modern secret societies, and mystery schools by thousands of years. While in the hands of Christianity, The Apocalypse and its symbology have been purposely misinterpreted, recast, and misrepresented. The original Hebrew document was a multi-purpose narrative constructed using layered and synchronized ancient wisdom symbolism. Its true purposes, features, and functionality are detailed in my book, further demonstrating that it was a symbolically encrypted Hebrew wisdom text encoding prophecy, philosophy, and scientific wisdom that was stolen and fraudulently modified by the founders of Christianity.
If your goal is to seek the truth, then read my articles, download my FREE E-Book and direct others to read them also. Challenge them to PROVE me wrong. The E-Book is a FREE download and I make no money from it or the paperback.
Not only do I talk the talk, I walk the walk...
Here is Wisdom!!
11:43 PM
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