Recommended Readings
Charles Krathammer talks about the oil prices
From one Brother to another Brother. David Limbaugh (yes he is related to Rush) reminds us that the left keeps giving us the "doom and gloom" line when it comes to oil. The leftys are still full of it.
Thomas Sowell continues his "Oily politicians" Piece. If anyone can make Economics easy to understand, It's Sowell.
Glad someone is pointing the finger at the ones who truly need to be blamed for the High Gas Prices. ENIVORMENTALISTS!!!!
The Values of Parents vs. The Values of The Government Schools. Jeff Jacoby talks about just that.
Chuck Schumer and Gas Prices, White House Press Corps demand CNN because of Tony Snow, The Mexican Invaders will Boycott on Mayday, and Smaller Cars. All this and more from the mind of Neal Boortz.
Speaking of Tony Snow, James Pinkerton says he might have something up his sleeve and that is the reason why Snow did what he did.
Patrica Heaton is not going to replace Meredith Vieira on The View. Heaton is not liberal enough. But this one is liberal enough if not more to be worthy to replace Vieira. Sometimes you can only wish for Regis to return the other side of those two chairs (Millionare).
Now Robert 'KKK' Byrd is warning Bush that he and his Dems cronies can impeach him.
The Gray Lady did something right for change. Click here to find out what they did.
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